Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

No, I'm actually not about to wish everyone a "Happy Mother's Day!" (which wouldn't make sense anyway, since not everyone is a mum).

I'm going to tell you what Mother's Day is like for florists. Well, at least for one semi-florist (myself). If I tell you that I worked (or at least was at the shop or doing something for the shop) for more than 110 hours for the week (the latter half of the week I was finishing at midnight when the shopping centre locked up, and starting again at 6am when the shopping centre opened again) and ended up with a cold or something (congested sinuses, sore throat) by Friday, then you probably have some idea how exhausted I am.

Business/trading was better than expected, and in the end there wasn't much wastage and the shop was almost empty of flowers (except for unopened lillies and a few bits and pieces). So, by Sunday afternoon I was pretty happy because 1) The end of the ordeal was in sight, and 2) I didn't have a mountain of flowers left to deal with on Monday. Yet, somehow I summoned up enough energy to clean up the shop (though it did take until midnight...). I'm looking forward to sleeping in (waking up at 7.30am) =P

Yeah, you're probably wondering why I'm up at 1.45am blogging when I got home at 00:15 then right? haha, well, I had dinner and need some time to digest, but more significantly, to unwind.

I might as well do a quick update as well. Not surprisingly these last few months have been largely dominated by the shop. Business has been what it was expected to be (i.e. what the previous owner had quoted), and though I am doing quite long hours, I don't regret my decision to buy the business (though these last few days have certainly been testing). I am feeling fairly comfortable with the major aspects of floristry and having gone through this peak period, it gives me confidence that I can handle a typical week more efficiently and hopefully get more time to rest and do other things.

However, though the shop has been a big part of things recently, it's been a combination of things that have contributed to my severe tiredness. I didn't fully appreciate that I had committed to quite a few things until the shop took away a lot of my spare time. And that's been one of the toughest things, not being able to meet all my commitments, and feeling like I'm letting people down... by being late, not present, present and tired, and generally just not being fully availble. I really hate not fulfilling my responsibilities and letting people down, so I hope that having been through Mothers Day, that I can spend more time resting and as well as relating to people.

Brain doesn't want to think anymore, so I'll update more later.


At 11:54, Blogger youna said...

:D that's soo cool~~
I hope you can have more than that 1.5 hr of rest :D
could you get more people to help you out so that you don't get so run down?


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