10 Things I Hate About You
Hang on, sorry, it should be 10 things I've always wanted to do, in no particular order... (post idea stolen from Jenny =)
1. Write a story so touching that even the most unsentimental of people would shed tears of emotion.
2. Skydive! Nothing like jumping out of an aeroplane from upwards of 10,000 feet (approx. 3km) to experience the force of gravity.
3. Write a love letter to my true love (no, there is no true love in my life at this moment, or prior to this moment for that matter).
4. Drive a sports car full-tilt around a race-course.
5. See earth from outer-space. (Yes, I do like Star Trek... The Next Generation series was the best though... gotta love the character "Data")
6. Get married and have kids. Between 2-4 kids... though 2 girls and 1 boy would be cool =)
7. Publish a novel.
8. Be able to play a musical instrument - being able to play what I hear.
9. Speak and write with the eloquence of a royal bard (yes, I know I try somewhat hopefully, but with not much success) .
10. Understand how people think and feel - true empathy.
Well, sorry... rather boring list I know... and I can't be bothered searching for pictures to liven up the list. But boring I have been called, and so if boring thou dost find me, then hasten from here and venture not unto mine domain hereafter.
Prithee, if thou wouldst seek more entertaining fare, then elsewhere shall I direct thee.
Anyway, was running out of ideas by about item 6 or 7 >.<
I know it's been rather light here lately in my neck of the woods. I'll try and write something more substantial, but I have other priorities for the next month or so. We'll see how it goes... inspiration might find me once more =P
Ok, so I've harping on about a decision I made, and then remade, and now am not so sure about again... I don't know if the lack of surety is God telling me that this is not the course of action I should be taking... or a test... something for me to work through and learn through (though everything really is a learning experience - good or bad feeling at the time).
To be honest, I haven't been so anxious for a few years now. In fact, since Year 12 I've only become more and more laidback... so much so that by my last year of uni I was horrendously underprepared for all my exams and yet almost didn't care at all (only by the grace of God did I manage to not fail anything).
Anyway, I've been back at this week, after taking a week off. I realised that I had only taken 6 days leave since January 2005, and was quite possibly burning out... emotionally, rather than a particularly heavy workload. Unfortunately I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, and I can't really take a vacation from the mechanations of my mind, so all-in-all, it was a nice little break, but not entirely satisfactory.
It's occurred to me that things and people have changed so much over the years. Even since last year situations have changed, relationships have changed. Though I'm not strictly talking about weddings and engagements, there has been a large slew of these announcements in just the last year, whereas there were next to none previously. If I look back at first year uni, and compare how people were then, and the relationships (both romantic and platonic) back then, to how they are now, well... I think you can understand how different things are. I look at myself, and it still amazes me where God has lead me... from Cambodia, to Thailand, to Auckland, to Sydney and currently Canberra... and along the way, more significantly, the experiences have all been so amazing. I could never have planned for things to happen in my life the way they have.
I've never known where life would take me... and now especially I would be particularly lost, if it weren't for the amazing grace that God has shown me. Somehow, things have always turned out. For about 4 years in high school I thought I'd be an architect. Until I was 17 I was a firm atheist. I had never even been to Canberra a week before I started working here. I've never been very good at making long-term goals, but somehow I've been guided to where I am now... and I wouldn't take any of it back, because I know God has my best interests at heart and that I've needed to go through all I have, and all that I will go through.
The only real predictions of mine that have held up considering my limited facility for foresight and prophesy are that I am still single, that the time would come when the people around me would start getting engaged and married, and the emotional tempest this period would stir. And so it has started, and who knows where it will end? Very little in this fickle world remains constant, and so how great it is that we have a God that is eternal and faithful?
I never did write a more detailed post about the weddings I went to in December. I think I will leave it at that for now. There are many opportunities for marital comment yet to come. One thing I will say - it has been very odd seeing my friend with her husband's surname as her own =)
I will leave you for now, and perhaps next time I'll have something more interesting to share... rather than rambling on like I'm old and senile.
Adieu, adieu, until we meet next, adieu.
...is about to explode... ouch.
Why is this so hard?
Happy Valentines Day Everybody!
Especially those lonely hearts out there. I share your pain =P
I don't normally pay much attention to this romantic tradition, having forever been single, and would normally forget or ignore the 'significance' of this day. However, for some reason, there's been more talk of it this year. Maybe I've just been around people who have been talking about it, or planning for it.
Let me just say that I'm not a huge fan of the forced romanticism that can result from February the 14th. One does not need an excuse to be romantic, but it doesn't hurt to have an excuse. However, it's disappointing when this is about the ONLY time that some people even attempt to romance.
For all those who are fortunate enough to spend some quality time with their significant other, I wish you an enjoyable and heart-warming day.
For all those who are single, but who would like to be in a romantic relationship, I hope today is not unduly sorrowful and that in due course, in accordance with God's good timing, you may enter such a relationship. I hope that the romantics will not lose heart and that lonely will find comfort.
Anyway, what would I know about romance? Very little. So adieu.
The silly entity that is Son...
...greets thee.
Yes, I'm still alive, and I hope I will still be alive for a little while longer, because I need to write my will before I die... is a bit difficult to write it then, for obvious reasons.
While we're on the topic of death, I've always wanted to leave meaningful letters to my family and friends... but to do that properly you'd have to know that your death is imminent, which in the tradition of tv soaps occurs with every terminal illness (i.e. you have 3 months to live!). So I guess I won't be leaving any letters (unless I contract some terminal illness which has a reasonably predictable countdown), which is just as well, since my 'to do list' is growing longer rather than shorter.
Anyway, I'm digressing as usual, and I didn't mean to be morbid... I just have no issues talking about my own mortality, I guess because an eternity in heaven awaits.
So, what's the point of my rambling post? I was rather hoping that you'd tell me actually.
Oh, if you read my post of 10 January about my decision... well, my resolve has won out over my instinct and implusiveness, and I haven't (as yet) taken my friend's advice. Which means I've either learned to control my impulsiveness, or that I fear making the same mistakes of my past. Either way, I'm probably confusing you ;P
I sometimes wonder if I belong in a lunatic asylum, though that's not quite right... but I'd make a psychiatrist a fortune in continued unproductive sessions.
Welcome to Son's world =) Sit back relax and go round in circles (well, more like ellipses).
Thank you for tuning out.